
The Chartered Institute of Project and Quality Professionals, USA, CIPQP, is an American global chartered professional body for those engaged in project management, project control, project analysis, project operations, project administration, project risk management, quality management, quality planning, quality improvement, quality control and quality assurance profession worldwide.

The Chartered Institute of Project and Quality Professionals, USA, CIPQP, is a nonprofit corporation for both professionals and potential professionals in the profession and practice of project and quality. CIPQP USA is a global American recognized professional body which provides professional credentials to both practitioners and potential practitioners in the profession of project and quality. Our membership and other professionalized certifications confer on the person high level of competency and professionalism. CIPQP USA membership and certifications distinguish the holders in the industry.

The Chartered Institute of Project and Quality Professionals, USA, CIPQP, is prepared to empower our members and students with the productive information needed to succeed in their various careers in respect to project management, project control, project analysis, project operations, project administration, project risk management, quality management, quality planning, quality improvement, quality control and quality assurance.

CIPQP USA membership programs and professionalized chartered programs are unique and professionally tailored to equip you with the relevant knowledge and training that fit the dynamics and ever changing project and quality environment.

CIPQP USA understand it’s a fact that the global market in respect to project and quality is dynamics and organizations and government are engaged in various project activities with some regulated level of quality to meet both the government and customers’ standard. Organizations also understand the need of professionals to manage their key departments in project and quality in order to satisfy their customers or clients. You cannot separate organizational resources from organizational personnel who are vested with the duties to manage these organizational resources to achieve the desired goals and objectives.

The Chartered Institute of Project and Quality Professionals, USA, CIPQP, understand that some organizations grow in geometric progression while their staff grows in arithmetic progression, thereby making it practically impossible to achieve the organizational goals and objectives. There should be an equilibrium balance between the organizational goals and those who have the duties to process the organizational resources in order to achieve the organizational goals.

CIPQP USA also understands that there is imbalance between the market and some organizations. While the market is moving in geometric progression, some firms are moving in arithmetic progression. CIPQP USA believes that it takes only competent and chartered professionals to cause the balance between the market and firms. With CIPQP USA, our members will be prepared to carry out such duties for the purpose of growth, development, and sustainability.

In CIPQP USA, we ensure that members are trained to know the important of growing geometrically with the organization and using the resources of the organization for the purpose of achieving organizational goals.

CIPQP USA members can enroll for MSc in Project and Quality Management, MBA in Project and Quality Management, PhD in Business Administration with specialization in Project and Quality Management with our affiliate university. The program is flexible and is design to suit your busy schedules.


1. To be a global professional body for professionals and potential professionals in project management, project control, project analysis, project operations, project administration, project risk management, quality management, quality planning, quality improvement, quality control and quality assurance.

2. To enhance the quality of the principles and practice of the project management, project control, project analysis, project operations, project administration, project risk management, quality management, quality planning, quality improvement, quality control and quality assurance profession globally.

3. To undertake research and education for the purpose of promoting the advancement of knowledge in the profession of project management, project control, project analysis, project operations, project administration, project risk management, quality management, quality planning, quality improvement, quality control and quality assurance.

4. To hold lectures and administer professional examinations.

5. To collaborate with other professional bodies and educational institutions.

6. To maintain a high standard of professional ethics and conducts among members.

7. To promote, organize, arrange seminars, conference, workshops, symposiums and award certificate of participation.

8. To organize specialized chartered professional programs in the areas of project management, project control, project analysis, project operations, project administration, project risk management, quality management, quality planning, quality improvement, quality control and quality assurance and issue certificates.

9. To admit and register members in the various grades of membership of CIPQP USA.

10. To award professional membership certificates to qualified members.

11. To have member published their articles in the areas of project management, project control, project analysis, project operations, project administration, project risk management, quality management, quality planning, quality improvement, quality control and quality assurance on the CIPQP journal.

12. To issue bulletins, journals and publications for the information of members.

13. To hold Continuous Development Professional Training Programs for members.

The Chartered Institute of Project and Quality Professionals, USA, CIPQP, is a unique American global chartered professional body for both professionals and potential professionals in the profession of project management, project control, project analysis, project operations, project administration, project risk management, quality management, quality planning, quality improvement, quality control and quality assurance.
CIPQP USA as a global chartered professional body serves the global professionals in two dimensions:
1. Membership: Through the various membership programs of CIPQP USA our students are exposed on key functions areas in project and quality. Our membership programs exposed our members on vital areas in project and quality.

2. Chartered Specialized Program: This kind of program organized by CIPQP USA is opened to both members of CIPQP USA and non- members. It is a specialized chartered program that establish competency in a specific area. It is sought after by professionals who want to distinguish themselves on a particular area of their career.

Certificate obtained from CIPQP USA whether at membership level or chartered specialized program is recognized and accepted globally.
The Chartered Institute of Project and Quality Professionals, USA, CIPQP, has the following status:
(1) Chartered Institute of Project and Quality Professionals, USA is legally recognized under the laws of the State of Delaware, USA.

(2) Chartered Institute of Project and Quality Professionals, USA has Certificate of Good Standing duly issued by the Secretary of State of Delaware, USA.

(3) Chartered Institute of Project and Quality Professionals, USA is duly Apostilled by Secretary of State, Delaware Department of State, USA.

(4) Chartered Institute of Project and Quality Professionals, USA is duly Authenticated by the U.S Department of State, Washington, D.C.

CIPQP USA members can enroll for MSc in Project and Quality Management, MBA in Project and Quality Management, PhD in Business Administration with specialization in Project and Quality Management with our affiliate university. The program is flexible and is design to suit your busy schedules. <span>